
In these general Terms and Conditions the following terms have the following meanings:

Terms and Conditions: These general terms and conditions Society Service.

Society Service: The private company Society Service registered in the Chamber of Commerce under number 24392623 and/or its successors in title.

Client: Legal entities as well as natural persons who wish to conclude or have concluded a booking agreement with Society Service.

Escort: The persons engaged by Society Service with a minimum age of 21 years, who carry out a Booking of the Client completely of their own free will. These persons are at all times represented by Society Service.

Assignment: Any request from a (future) Client to Society Service made via the Website, e-mail, telephone, text message or any other means of communication, in which the Client, in the opinion of Society Service, intends to use the services of Society Service.

Booking: The agreement for assignment, provision of service, and all other agreements between the Client and Society Service.

Guaranteed Booking: A Booking that can not be cancelled free of charge.

International Booking: Any Booking that is more than 250 kilometers away from the Escort's place of residence.

Booking Confirmation: A confirmation from Society Service to the Client setting out the agreements between the Client and Society Service with regard to a Booking.

Booking Rate: Rate for the company of the Escort.

Additional Services: Services provided by Society Service which do not refer to the company of Escort, such as (special) transportation, travel itinerary, travel documents, special clothing, catering and/or accomodation, etc.

Opening hours: The opening hours of Society Service are daily between 10.00/10AM (ten o clock in the morning) and 22.00/10PM (ten o clock in the evening).

Website: Society Service’s website, known as


Article 1. Applicability

1.1 These Terms and Conditions apply to all offers issued or made by Society Service as well as to all Bookings and related legal relationships. Deviations from these General Terms and Conditions only apply if and insofar as they have been expressly approved in writing by Society Service.

1.2 Society Service is entitled at any time to adapt and unilaterally change the text of these Terms and Conditions. In that case, the latest text of these General Terms and Conditions always applies.

1.3 The applicability of any Terms and Conditions which the Client might use is expressly excluded.

111 At the time of making each Booking, the Client is deemed to have agreed to the exclusive applicability of these Terms and Conditions, unless the Client and Society Service expressly agree otherwise in writing.

1.5 If one or more of the provisions in these Terms and Conditions are void or annulled, the other provisions of these Terms and Conditions remain fully applicable. Society Service and the Client will then enter into consultation in order to agree on new provisions to replace the void or voided provisions, whereby, if and as far as possible, the purpose and scope of the original provision will be taken into account.

1.6 The Client who has already made a Booking with Society Service is deemed to tacitly agree to the applicability of these Terms and Conditions to subsequent and/or additional Bookings from and/or services to the Client in question.

Article 2. Registration, reachability and legality

2.1 Society Service is a fully legal, licensed and registered escortservice, registered with the Rotterdam Chamber of Commerce under number 24392623 and in possession of a permit to operate an escortservice. This permit has number es.F.0036181.2020 and was issued by the municipality of Rotterdam.

2.2 All Society Service services are subject to 21% VAT. The VAT number of Society Service is NL.819156073B01.

2.3 Society Service is located and registered in Rotterdam at Elektroweg 11L. Unless otherwise agreed, it is not possible to visit Society Service at this address.

2.4 Society Service can be reached in writing at the following correspondence address: PO Box 19275, 3001BG Rotterdam. The response period for this contact method is at least 14 days.

2.5 Society Service can be reached via email at During Opening hours, the response time for this contact method is a maximum of 6 hours.

2.6 Society Service can usually be reached by telephone during Opening hours on +31882228900 or +31622288001.

  • During opening hours, Messages via SMS or Whatsapp will be replied to within 3 hours.
  • Voicemail messages will only be answered if explicitly requested and a name and telephone number are left in the message.
  • Missed calls during opening hours will only be called back if this is possible within 30 minutes of the missed call.

Article 3. Coming into effect of the Booking

3.1 All quotations and/or offers made by Society Service are without obligation, unless it appears otherwise. No rights can be derived from the availability in Escort's profile.

3.2 A Booking will only come into effect when Society Service has expressly accepted the Assignment. The Booking Confirmation from Society Service is deemed to accurately and completely reflect the Booking, subject to obvious spelling and typing errors.

3.3 The Booking will be instead of and replaces all previous proposals, correspondence, agreements or other communication, made in writing or as the case may be verbally.

3.4 The Client has no legal right to terminate the distance contract, because this concerns an agreement to provide services relating to leisure activities that are performed at a specific time or in a specific period.

3.5 Society Service has the right to refuse an Assignment at any time, without an explanation being required.

3.6 Society Service has the right to temporarily refuse a Client, without an explanation being required.

3.7 Society Service has the right to permanently refuse a Client, without any explanation being required. Society Service will inform the Client of this decision and request that he no longer contacts Society Service. If the Client does not comply with this, Article 16 of these Terms and Conditions applies and the Client will forfeit an immediately payable fine from category A.

Article 4. Rates

4.1 Unless stated otherwise, all rates on the Website are stated in Euros and include 21% VAT. All amounts are rounded up per €10.

4.2 Travelexpenses are included if Booking takes place in the place of residence and immediate vicinity (10 kilometers) of the Escort. Thereafter, a surcharge of €1 applies per kilometer that the Booking is away from the Escort's place of residence. For reasons of discretion, Escort's online profile lists the largest city near where Escort is located. Travelexpenses are calculated with the calculator in the rate section of the escort profile based on the exact location of Escort. Travelexpenses for Bookings with a travel distance of 251 km or more are determined per Booking and are available on request. If a Booking commences at a location other than where it ends, a surcharge may apply.

4.3 When using the calculator in the rate section of the escort profile, it also becomes visible whether Escort usually travels to and from bookings by car or by public transport. A surcharge of €100 applies if Escort usually travels by car and has to travel on the way to Booking (10 kilometers or more) during rush hour (working days from 07:00 - 08:30 and 16:30 - 18:30) for a booking with a duration of 5 hours or less. A surcharge of €100 applies if the Escort usually travels by public transport and can no longer travel home by public transport after the booking has ended, without the travel time including waiting time at least being double as long compared to the outward journey.

4.4 The profile of each Escort contains an overview of the rates per maximum duration and per booking type. The following applies:

  • Unless otherwise agreed, the Standard Rates apply.
  • The duration of the Booking that has been decided before the start of the Booking is the "pre-booked booking duration". During the first half of this duration, the Booking can be extended to a desired duration within the same rate category (Standard or Dinner Date & Overnight), provided that the stated conditions are still met. Only the additional price for the longer duration will be charged.
  • If the Booking is extended after the first half of the pre-booked booking duration has expired, the hourly rate for extension applies (Extension Rate). An overview of this can be found in the Escort's profile. An extension of multiple hours at once will be considered a new Booking, for which the Standard Rate will be charged for this duration.
  • If the pre-agreed booking duration is exceeded by more than 15 minutes, this extension is always subject to the Extension Rate, unless the Client informs Escort the pre-agreed agreed booking duration was being or was about to be exceeded and Client does not wish to extend the booking.

4.5 To qualify for the Dinner Date & Overnight Rates, the following criteria must be met:

  • The Dinner Date or Overnight Stay is decided before the start of the Booking and takes place within a distance of 250 km from Escort.
  • In the case of a Dinner Date, you spend at least the first half of the booking in public with your high class escort. You travel together to and from the restaurant (and excursion). 
  • In the case of a culinary Dinner Date, at least the first half of the booking will be spent on an extensive dinner of at least 3 courses. The duration of this Dinner Date is 5 to 8 hours and the booking can commence between 17.30 (5.30PM) and 20.30 (8.30PM).
  • In the case of a cultural Dinner Date, at least the first half of the booking will be spent on a dinner of at least 2 hourses and a cultural excursion such as theater, concert or performance. The duration oft his Dinner Date is 8 or 10 hours and the booking can commence between 16.30 (4.30PM) and 19.30 (7.30PM).
  • In the case of an Overnight, the booking duration may be beween 12 and 18 hours. For overnight stays starting at 8 p.m. or earlier, the booking starts with a dinner. Client and Escort spend the night together, where the Escort can sleep undisturbed for at least 6 hours. The overnight stay ends with breakfast or brunch, between 7.00 (7AM) and 12.00 (noon).

4.6 To qualify for the Companionship Only Rates, the following criteria must be met:

  • The total bookingduration is 3 hours or more.
  • The Booking does not include any form of eroticism and/or physical contact between Client and Escort.
  • The Escort remains fully dressed during the entire Booking.
  • In the event of an overnight stay during a Companionship Only booking, Client and Escort will spend the night in separate bedrooms.

4.7 If the conditions of the relevant rate category are not met, the rate of the entire booking will be recalculated at the Standard Rates. This also applies in the event of an extension of the Booking.

4.8 It is possible that Society Service may make Additional Services available for the purpose of bookings and clientverification. The cost price is increased by 21% VAT, is fully borne by the Client and must be paid in full in advance. There is no right to a refund, for example in the event of cancellation or change of the Booking or Assignment.

4.9 If the Client has additional wishes that result in more work or costs for Escort than could reasonably be expected, an increase in the applicable rates may be justified.

4.10 If the Client has additional wishes that result in more work or costs for Society Service than could reasonably be expected, an increase in the applicable rates may be justified. Unless otherwise agreed, an hourly rate of €75 applies for additional work. This fee is waived for standard additional work for an International Booking, such as arranging travel documents, provided that the Assignment for or International Booking is not canceled or changed.

4.11 No rights can be derived from discounts. Discounts as set out on the Website only apply if agreed in advance with Society Service and confirmed in the Bookingconfirmation.

Article 5. Payments

5.1 All payments must be made prior to the Booking or at the latest immediately at the commencement of the Booking. If the Client is granted a deferral of payment in the event of an extension of the Booking, the outstanding amount must be paid in cash in the last fifteen minutes of the Booking or immediately (within one hour) after the Booking ends by bank transfer.

5.2 Prior to the Booking, the Client will inform which payment method the Client wishes to use. 

5.3 The availability of all payment methods listed is not guaranteed and is subject to availability. Society Service may, without giving any reason, impose restrictions on the Client or Booking regarding the available payment methods and/or require a deposit for Booking.

5.4 For reasons of discretion, a general consultancy name is listed for all electronic payment methods. This name is registered as a trade name of Society Service.

5.5 Society Service accepts payments via bank and bank payment request. This is the standard payment method. Bank costs associated with the banking transaction are borne by the Client. Bank payments can not be made by Clients based in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, Krim region in Ukrain.

5.6 Society Service accepts cash payments in Euros at the start of the Booking. Denominations of €200 and €500 are not accepted. If the Client can only make payments in denominations of €200 and €500, an administrative surcharge of 10% applies, with a minimum of €100. The Escort does not carry change and all denominations must be in mint condition.

5.7 Society Service accepts cash payments in US dollars or British pounds at the start of the Booking. The exchange rate applicable on the day of Booking is assumed, plus additional bank and exchange costs and a 5% service surcharge. The value of the foreign currency that Client wishes to use may not be less than €100 and not more than €2000. The Escort does not carry change and all denominations must be in mint condition.

5.8 Society Service accepts payments by credit card and debit card with Maestro, V-Pay, Mastercard or Visa logo at a surcharge of 5% on the total amount, provided that this payment method has been approved by Society Service well before the start of the Booking. Payment by card is accepted under the following conditions:

  • Booking takes place in the Netherlands.
  • Client accepts that on average processing time for card payments is 10 minutes, which is part of the booking duration.
  • Client accepts the surcharge and understands that this surcharge is compensation for costs associated with making card payment possible, for example by providing a mobile PIN machine during the Booking.
  • The card is present at Booking, is registered in the Client's name and provided with a signature. Client can identify himself during Booking with a valid ID.
  • Client is not under the influence of large amounts of alcohol and/or drugs.
  • If desired, the Client will cooperate in completing an additional creditcard authorization form.
  • In the event that card payment is not possible due to the Client's actions, for example but not limited to insufficient funds or inability to authorize the transaction, the Client will make the payment in an alternative manner, in accordance with the instructions of Society Service. Costs and time associated with this will be borne by the Client.
  • Through no fault of ours or control, some cards may not be processed due to restrictions imposed by the card issuer. Client is aware of this risk and will be able to offer an alternative payment method. Costs and time associated with this will be borne by the Client.
  • In the event that card payment is not possible due to a (technical) malfunction of the payment terminal or application, the Client will make the payment in an alternative manner, in accordance with the instructions of Society Service. Extra costs and time associated with this will not be borne by the Client.

5.9 The services provided by Society Service are personal in nature and are therefore not tax deductible for the Client if he/she uses the services of Society Service himself. To prevent fraud and protect the Client's privacy, no invoice is issued to private individuals. An invoice will only be issued when a company purchases services from Society Service and these are also delivered to this company. This is done within 14 days after execution of the Booking via e-mail in PDF format. The content of the invoice is always truthful and in accordance with laws and regulations.

5.10 To prevent trade-based money laundering (TBML) and other possible criminal activities, we are obliged to investigate the origin of bank payments if they come from a bank account with a name other than the Client. We may therefore request that you provide evidence that you are authorized to carry out the transaction and are the ultimate beneficial owner of the account. This proof must be submitted and approved by us before the start of the booking, otherwise the payment will be considered invalid and will be retained until the requested proof has been received.

5.11 There is no right to a refund of any amount paid in favor of a Guaranteed Booking or Additional Services, unless there is intent or deliberate recklessness on the part of Society Service and/or Escort.

5.12 There is a right to a refund of amounts paid in favor of the Booking Rate for a Booking that is not a Guaranteed Booking, provided that this refund is requested by the Client at least 24 hours before the start of the Booking and one of the following situations applies:

  • If Escort or Society Service cancels the Booking for any reason other than violation of these Terms and Conditions by the Client.
  • It can be demonstrated that the Client is younger than 18 years old and/or does not have legal capacity and/or authority.
  • Client indicates within 24 hours after payment that he regrets the purchase and and wishes to renounce the purchase. Refunds for this reason are only possible once.
  • Client is deceased and/or can demonstrate that he is physically and/or mentally unable to make a Booking within 3 years.

After settlement of any costs or outstanding amounts, the remaining amount will be refunded to the Client's bank account within 14 days.

5.13 If a refund is not made, the amount will be used for the next Booking, after settlement of any costs or outstanding amounts. If no Booking is made with the Client within 3 years, the remaining amount will be forfeited, unless an extension of this term is agreed before the expiry of the term.

5.14 Payments made by the Client to Society Service for Bookings and Additional Services that have not yet taken place and/or member credit in the Client's member profile are immediately due and payable if an application for bankruptcy of Society Service has been submitted and/or suspension of payment of Society Service has been applied for, is seized at the expense of Society Service and/or the Ultimate Beneficiary Owner requests to be admitted to the statutory debt restructuring scheme (WSNP), is placed under guardianship, dies or otherwise loses free management of the assets.

5.15 Payments owed by the Client to Society Service are immediately due and payable if a payment term has been exceeded, an application for bankruptcy of the Client has been submitted and/or a suspension of payments has been applied for from the Client, a seizure is levied against the Client, the Client requests is admitted to the statutory debt restructuring scheme (WSNP), is placed under guardianship, dies or otherwise loses free management of the assets.

5.16 If the stated payment terms are exceeded, the Client is legally in default, without further notice or notice of default being required. From that moment on, the Client owes default interest of 3% per month or part of the month on the outstanding amount. If Society Service outsources its claim for collection, the Client is also liable for all collection costs.

5.17 If Society Service is successful in legal proceedings, all costs incurred by Society Service in connection with these proceedings will be borne by the Client.

5.18 In all cases Society Service will (also) have the right to claim specific performance and/or compensation (or damage) in addition to the rights referred to (inter alia) in this Article.

Article 6. Confidentiality, privacy and security

6.1 The nature of the services are personal and private and must be treated with the highest possible confidentiality by Society Service, Escort and Client.

6.2 The Client will observe absolute confidentiality with regard to the Society Service company and/or the Escorts working there. The Client will not directly or indirectly publish, release or otherwise make accessible to third parties any information relating to the services and the business of Society Service and the Escorts working there, regardless of whether this information is confidential or secret, without explicit permission from Society Service. The Client will observe absolute confidentiality with regard to persons or institutions that do or have done business with Society Service. The Client will not engage in this behavior via third parties in any way whatsoever. In the event of a violation of this Article by the Client, Article 16 of these Terms and Conditions applies and the Client forfeits an immediately payable fine from category B.

6.3 All information of the Client that Society Service has in connection with its services will be treated confidentially and will only be used in the context of the provision of services by Society Service, as well as to optimize the services in connection with future Bookings. Escort is also bound by an agreement with Society Service to maintain confidentiality of all information about the Client and Booking. For more information about how we handle your privacy, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

6.4 In the event of a gross violation of these Terms and Conditions, Society Service reserves the right to share the anonymized data of the Client within the Association of Dutch Escort Companies (Vereniging van Nederlandse Escortbedrijven), to prevent the Client from causing further damage to them. Gross violation includes, among other things: providing incorrect information about the Client and Booking, frequently placing Orders without resulting in a Booking, exceeding payment terms or failing to meet payment obligations, violating the Client and Booking requirements as set out in Articles 7 and 8, storing/multiplying/sharing photos from the Website and providing login details of the member area to third parties.

6.5 Society Service is committed to protecting the Client's personal data, within reason but in several ways and with the expertise of external parties. Unless there is intent or deliberate recklessness on the part of Society Service, Society Service cannot be held liable in any way for the disclosure of this information.

6.6 This Website uses a secure (SSL) connection to send forms.

6.7 This Website uses cookies to provide visitors to the Website with optimal service. Cookies are small text files that are placed on a PC, tablet or mobile phone by an internet page. This cookie can be retrieved during a later visit to the same site. The cookie cannot be read by a website other than the one that created it. The cookies this website uses are anonymized. You also have the option to configure your browser so that it notifies you each time cookies are created or that your browser prevents their creation.

6.8 This website may contain links to other websites. Society Service is not responsible for the availability of, content or materials on, or obtained from, any of these websites. Any link to another website, and reference to third party information, products or services linked to this website, is not and should not be construed as an express or implied endorsement of Society Service. Any questions or comments regarding these other websites should be directed to the operator or operators of these websites.

Article 7. Booking requirements

7.1 An Assignment can be provided daily during Opening hours. Client will (also) notify Society Service by telephone of Assignments that commence within 6 hours.

7.2 A Booking can commence between 08.00 in the morning and 23.00/11PM (new Client) or 24.00/midnight (repeat Client). The time zone of booking location applies to this.

7.3 A Booking with a duration of less than 2 hours is not possible. Minimum booking duration may differ per Escort and per booking location. This is determined as follows:

  • The general minimum booking duration can be found in the Escort profile in the rates section.
  • This minimum booking duration may be increased based on travel distance required for Booking. The calculator in the rate section of the profile can be used to calculate the minimum booking duration if Booking is within 250 km of Escort. The minimum booking for destinations further away is always on request.
  • An additional hour must be added to the minimum booking duration at the booking location if the Booking starts outside Opening hours.

If Client wishes to spend less time with Escort, the rate for this minimum booking duration still applies. Additional costs may also be charged to the Client for Additional Services relating to transport, food, drinks, internet access and accommodation for Escort during the waiting time between the early end of the Booking and the required minimum booking duration.

7.4 Bookings only take place in a hygienic and tidy living space or hotel/accommodation with a level of at least four hotel stars. This may not be shared and must consist of at least a bedroom for two people, seating for two people and a bathroom and toilet. If a hotel room does not offer sufficient seating, the hotel bar or lounge can serve as a substitute for spending at least the first 30 minutes of the Booking. Bookings are never possible in unsanitary or unkempt locations, unsafe neighborhoods, cars, rendezvous hotels, sex clubs, student housing, hostels, shelters, sex cinemas or locations with similar properties.

7.5 During bookings, no persons other than the Client are present at the booking location, unless otherwise agreed or in the case of a public occasion.

7.6 If travel is necessary during Booking, this can be done on foot for distances shorter than 1 kilometer, provided that weather and safety permit. Distances longer than 1 kilometer can only be covered by car. A new Client must use a licensed and recognized taxi service. In other cases, Escort can also drive with the Client in his (rental) car, provided that the Client meets the legal requirements for driving a vehicle. Travel by public transport is not possible unless this is the fastest and most comfortable way to cover a distance of at least 50 km.

7.7 If the Client does not comply with a provision as referred to in this article, no claim can be made for free cancellation as set out in Article 10 and the Client will be given a one-off opportunity to comply with the provision within a reasonable period. The time spent on this will be borne by the Client. If the Client is unable or unwilling to comply with the provision, this is grounds for immediate termination of the Booking, without right to a refund.

Article 8. Client requirements

8.1 Client will never provide Society Service with incorrect information regarding his/her person, contact details and/or the Booking. Client will also be complete about the information provided, including making it known if the Client him/herself works in the sex industry. If it is found that the Client has provided incorrect information, any future bookings of the Client will be cancelled. The moment of discovery is considered the moment of cancellation of which the Client will, if possible, be informed immediately. The Client may then owe a cancellation fee in accordance with Article 12.

8.2 New Clients must cooperate in verifying the booking location and identity of the Client, by means of, but not excluding, paying a deposit via banktransfer, IDIN or ItsMe verification, proof of location reservation, postal item from location and/or timely delivery and verification of room number.

8.3 The Client will only conduct all communications regarding the Assignment and/or Booking himself. It is not permitted to place an Assignment for a Booking for third parties unless the Client is unable to do so due to a physical limitation.

8.4 Client must be at least 21 years old or turn 21 in the current calendar year. If there is any doubt about the age of the Client during the Booking, the Client will submit a valid ID for inspection by Escort.

8.5 Client may not be in possession of and/or under the influence of large amounts of alcohol and/or any (soft) drugs and may not require or encourage Escort to consume alcoholic beverages and/or (soft) drugs.

8.6 Client will not exchange contact details with Escort in any way, have contact with Escort outside the mediation by Society Service or make any attempt to do so. If, in the opinion of Society Service or Escort, the Client violates this article, the Client will receive a one-time warning. If the Client does not comply, Article 16 of these General Terms and Conditions applies and the Client will forfeit an immediately payable fine from category A.

8.7 Client will ensure that Escort is available during a Booking for Society Service and emergencies in the private sphere and has regular access to the internet for this purpose.

8.8 The Client will treat the Escort with respect and will never force or persuade them to perform actions contrary to the will, wishes or comfort of the Escort, or otherwise contrary to our Consent Policy and/or the law. Neither the Client nor Society Service have any control over the nature and execution of the Booking by Escort. Escort acts at her own discretion and according to her own free will.

8.9 Before the start of and during the Booking, the Client undertakes to maintain a high level of (personal) care and hygiene, with special attention paid to the pubic area and teeth.

8.10 When placing an Assignment, the Client undertakes to notify Society Service if he or she has any medical complaints that could affect the health of the Escort or the Booking itself. The Client must also report if the Client has a medical condition or complaints that may require medical intervention during the Booking.

8.11 Client will provide Escort with a drink every 2 hours during the Booking, as well as at the commencement of the Booking. Client will provide Escort with a (light) meal during Booking if the booking is 5 hours or longer, with a minimum of 3 meals per 24 hours. Drinks and meals during the booking are always at the expense of the Client.

8.12 Client will go out for social activities (excursions) with Escort that are not erotic in nature, but rather emphasize the social, emotional and intellectual, during any booking of a duration longer than 6 hours (time spent sleeping is not counted).

8.13 Client will offer Escort a minimum of 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep for a Standard Booking with a total booking duration of 12 to 20 hours that takes place during usual sleeping times, or offer a minimum of 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep during an Overnight Booking.

8.14 Client will offer Escort at least 2 hours of undisturbed private time and at least 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep per 24 hours for a Booking with a total booking duration of 24 hours or longer. Escort may require a private bedroom for this purpose if the Booking exeeds a duration of 48 hours.

8.15 Client will make every effort to get to know the Escort better on a mental level and will focus the booking at least as much on the social, emotional and intellectual as the physically intimate and erotic. For this purpose, Client must be (nearly) fluent in a language that is listed in Escort profile as level 'good' or 'fluent'. In addition, the Client will not initiate sexual acts during the first 30 minutes of the Booking.

8.16 Client will not request, demand or encourage unsafe sex, including unprotected oral, vaginal and/or anal sex with Escort, ejaculating in the mouth or face, direct genital contact or 'dry humping' without wearing protection.

8.17 Client will respect Escort's privacy and will, among other things, adhere to the following:

  • Client must regard all information provided by Escort during Booking as confidential and treat it as such.
  • Client may not make photo, audio or video recordings of Escort, nor Escort of Client.
  • Client will never ask Escort for the real name or make any other attempt to obtain it.
  • Client will not exchange contact details with Escort in any way, have contact with Escort outside the mediation by Society Service or make any attempt to do so.
  • The Client will never claim access to the property (and its contents) of Escort such as (hand)bag, (hand)luggage and mobile phone or view, copy or appropriate the contents thereof in any way whatsoever.
  • Client will only take Escort to social occasions where acquaintances, friends, family and/or colleagues of Client are present, after explicit permission from Society Service and Escort.
  • Client will grant Escort privacy during toilet and bathroom use, telephone conversations of a personal nature and/or with Society Service and situations where Escort must provide proof of identity and will not be in the vicinity of Escort during this.
  • Client will never post (public) reviews without the express permission of Society Service. Such permission will never be granted if the review could jeopardize Escort's privacy to any extent, or is very graphic in nature.

8.18 Client will at all times refrain from (any attempt to) discuss or negotiate these Terms and Conditions, including the rate of the Booking, during the Booking.

8.19 Client will at all times refrain from (any attempt at) any act or omission that endangers the safety or image of Society Service and/or the safety or image of Escort and/or reveals the identity of Escort.

8.20 The Client will at all times refrain from (any attempt to) unlawful acts against Society Service and/or Escort, including but not limited to deception, fraud, threats, insults, intimidation and computer intrusion. In the event of a violation of this article, Article 16 of these Terms and Conditions applies and the Client forfeits an immediately payable fine from category C.

8.21 If the Client does not comply with a provision as referred to in this article, no claim can be made for free cancellation as set out in Article 10 and the Client will be given a one-off opportunity to comply with the provision within a reasonable period. The time spent on this will be borne by the Client. If the Client is unable or unwilling to comply with the provision, this is grounds for immediate termination of the Booking, without right to a refund.

Article 9. International Bookings

9.1 An International Bookings can not take place in countries where a negative travel advice applies, with a predominant religion or major inequality between men and women.

9.2 The Standard Rates always apply to International Bookings and an International Booking is always a Guaranteed Booking, which cannot be canceled free of charge.

9.3 An International Booking always involves Additional Services, which are fully at the Client's expense and for which refunds are not possible. Additional Services mainly consist of travel costs, visas, accommodation and meals and drinks during the trip from Escort to Booking.

9.4 Client will be charged an hourly rate of €75 for booking and changing travel documents in favor of the International Booking and for providing tailor-made advice for this. The costs spent on booking travel documents will be waived to the Client, provided that the Client does not cancel or change the Booking (request).

9.5 The minimum booking duration for international destinations is always in consultation. In most European cities there is a minimum booking of 12 to 16 hours. In other cities worldwide, a minimum of 24 to 48 hours applies. The start time and end time of the International Booking are tailored to the travel options. This may require a higher minimum booking duration.

9.6 An International Booking requires a deposit via bank of at least 50% of the Booking Rate and 100% of the Additional Services. The remaining payment during the Booking may never exceed €5.000.

9.7 Availability for International Booking varies per Escort and is indicated in the Escort's profile.

9.8 If Escort is available for an International Booking Assignment, Society Service will send the Client a proposal for the travel methods. The most comfortable travel option with the fewest transfers and shortest total travel time will be chosen. Flights take place in economy class and travel by train train in first (premium) class.  A seat with extra legroom and/or in economy comfort class is required for overnight flights and flights with a duration of 8 hours or more. Unless otherwise agreed, the cheapest ticket will be chosen, regardless of the options for cancellation/change. Unless absolutely necessary to reach the destination of the Booking, the Escort's journey to the Booking cannot commence before 6.00/6AM.

9.9 If the Client agrees with the proposal for travel methods, Society Service will send the Client a price indication consisting of the Booking Rate and estimated Additional Services. If this is agreed upon, the Client will pay a deposit and the Booking will be considered confirmed. The journey to the International Booking can be commenced by Escort at the earliest 24 hours after receipt of the Client's deposit to Society Service.

9.10 After receipt of the Client's deposit, Society Service will check the price of Additional Services. If there is a price difference of up to 10%, Society Service will immediately book Additional Services. If the price difference is higher than 10%, Society Service will first consult with the Client. After booking the Additional Services, the Client will be informed of this.

9.11 All costs associated with changing and/or canceling Additional Services will be borne by the Client, unless there is intent or deliberate recklessness on the part of Society Service and/or Escort.

9.12 After the Escort returns to the Netherlands, a final quotation will be provided to the Client if this differs with more than €50 of the original proposal. Any overpayments will be added to Client credit. Any outstanding amounts will be paid by the Client within 5 days via bank transfer.

9.13 If Society Service foresees problems at any time and reasonably during the Escort's journey to the International Booking, the Client will be immediately informed of this.

9.14 If the door-to-door travel time exceeds 12 hours, Escort will sleep the first night in a private bedroom. This night is part of the booking duration.

9.15 If Escort is delayed during the journey to the International Booking, and this delay is not caused by the fault or actions of Escort or Society Service, this delay will be part of the booking duration. Delays incurred during the return journey are not part of the booking duration, unless this delay is caused by the Client's fault or actions.

Article 10. Guarantees

10.1 Society Service guarantees that the profile of the Escort on the Website presents the Escort in a realistic manner. The Client can therefore cancel the Booking free of charge within 10 minutes after the commencement of the Booking, if in the Client's opinion the Escort is not in reality as presented on the Website, both in terms of appearance and personality. Condition is that Client has not met the escort in question before and has invested time and effort to assess whether Escort is a match, for example by reading Escort's profile and (if applicable) using the member account to view photos with Escort's face.

10.2 Client can cancel the Booking within 20 minutes after the commencement of the Booking, if in the Client's opinion Client feels no connection and chemistry with Escort, upon which the cancellationfee consist of the full travel expenses plus €200. Condition is that Client has booked Escort upon the advice of Society Service, for example through the tailormade- or personal matchmaking. 

10.3 In addition to the forementioned, the following conditions apply to articles 10.1 and 10.2: 

  • Escort has not been touched, undressed or any attempt to do so has been made.
  • There is no sudden unavailability and/or agenda change on the part of the Client to continue the Booking.
  • Booking is not a Guaranteed Booking and booking requires an hour or less (one way) travel time.
  • Client and Booking meet all requirements as stated in these Terms and Conditions.

10.4 Society Service does not provide any guarantees to the Client regarding the Client's experience during the Booking. This is partly in view of the very personal experience that the nature of the service entails. Society Service and Escort only have a best efforts obligation towards the Client.

Article 11. Cancellation/change by Society Service

11.1 In the event of a change or cancellation of the Booking by Society Service, the Client will be contacted as soon as possible. For reasons of discretion, this is done via email. The email will only be followed up by telephone if necessary.

11.2 Society Service is at all times permitted to cancel, change and/or terminate a Booking early if:

  • In the opinion of Society Service the identity, integrity and/or safety of the Escort can not be guaranteed during the Booking or when traveling to the Booking.
  • Escort indicates she is not physically or mentally able to carry out the Booking, or that execution of the Booking is against the will, wish or comfort of the Escort.
  • The location of the Booking is not available.
  • Client does not comply with the agreed conditions of the Booking (within the specified period(s)), or if there are valid reasons that indicate that Client will not comply with the agreed conditions.
  • Circumstances arise whereby Society Service cannot reasonably be expected to fulfill its obligations of the Booking.

11.3 If the Booking can only take place under changed circumstances, the Client is allowed to cancel the Booking free of charge, unless there is a situation as set out in Article 11.4.

11.4 If the arrival of the Escort is delayed by 30 minutes or less, the Client has no right to cancel the Booking. If the arrival of the Escort is delayed by more than 30 minutes, the Client can cancel the Booking free of charge provided:

  • The booking location is less than 50 km from Escort's place of residence.
  • The Booking was made no less than 5 hours ago.
  • The Client has not agreed to a new start time for the Booking.

If the arrival of the Escort is delayed, the minimum booking duration remains unchanged. Client is not entitled to a lower minimum booking duration as a result of the delay.

11.5 In the event that the Booking has already started and Escort or Society Service wishes to terminate the Booking prematurely because of the Client's failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions, the Client is not entitled to a refund. Additional costs will also be charged to the Client for Additional Services relating to early return travel and transport, food, drinks, internet access and accommodation provided to Escort during the waiting time between the early end of the Booking and the previously intended end time of the Booking.

11.6 In the event that the Booking has already started and Escort wishes to terminate the Booking early, for reasons other than violation of these Terms and Conditions by the Client, for example due to illness or calamities in the private sphere, the time that Client has already spent with Escort in be charged to the Client. If the time already spent is less than the minimum Escort booking at the booking location, Client will be charged pro rata to the minimum Booking Rate, with a minimum of €250.

11.7 Society Service and Escort are not liable for any direct or indirect damage or expenses incurred by the Client in the event of a cancellation/change by Society Service.

Article 12. Cancellation/change by the Client

12.1 In the event of a change or cancellation of the Booking by the Client, the Client will contact Society Service as soon as possible. The Client does this via email, whereby changes or cancellations with less than 6 hours' notice are followed up by telephone by the Client.

12.2 In the event of changing the start date and/or time of the Booking, the same provisions apply as in the case of a cancellation.

12.3 A cancellation is only valid after receipt has been confirmed by Society Service.

12.4 If the Booking is made with multiple Escorts, each Escort is considered a separate Booking.

12.5 If the Client wishes to change/cancel a Booking, different conditions apply to new clients and existing clients. In the case of an already existing Client, a distinction is also made per Client Level (CL). If Client Level is unknown for Client, Bronze level is assumed.

12.6 In the event of a change/cancellation, the applicable terms are based on the duration prior to the start time of the Booking, unless it is explicitly stated that the term relates to the duration prior to departure for the booking. A day refers to a period of 24 hours.

12.7 Booking is a Guaranteed Booking if;

  • Door-to-door travel distance is more than 250 km.
  • Booking duration is 24 hours or more.
  • Booking starts outside Opening Hours and/or on 24, 25, 26, 31 December or 1 January.
  • Escort is only available for a Guaranteed Booking.
  • Client has cancelled 25% or more of the Client's bookings, for which no cancellationfee was paid.
  • This is required from the Client for another reason or has been requested by the Client himself.

12.8 If the Client wishes to change/cancel a Booking that is not a Guaranteed Booking, then the following applies;

  • New Client: Free of charge until 22.00 (10PM) on the day prior to the date on which the Booking commences. After this, the Client owes 100% of the Booking Rate.
  • CL Bronze: Free of charge until 22.00 (10PM) on the day prior to the date on which the Booking commences. After this, the Client owes 50% of the Booking Rate, with a minimum of €500.
  • CL Silver: Free of charge until 22.00 (10PM) on the day prior to the date on which the Booking commences. After this, the Client owes 25% of the Booking Rate, with a minimum of €500.
  • CL Gold: Free of charge up to 2 hours before departure to the Booking. After this, the Client owes 25% of the Booking Rate, with a minimum of €250.
  • CL Platinum: Free.

12.9 If the Client wishes to change/cancel a Booking that is a Guaranteed Booking, the Client will owe the following percentages of the agreed Booking Rate;

  • New Client: Up to 14 days in advance: 25%. From 14 days to 24 hours before departure: 50%. Less than 24 hours before departure: 100%. All with a minimum of €500.
  • CL Bronze: Up to 7 days in advance: 25%. From 7 days to 24 hours before departure: 50%. Less than 24 hours before departure: 100%. All with a minimum of €500.
  • CL Silver: Up to 5 days in advance: 25%. From 5 days to 24 hours before departure: 50%. Less than 24 hours before departure: 100%. All with a minimum of €500.
  • CL Gold: Up to 5 days in advance: 10%. From 5 to 3 days in advance: 25%. From 3 days to 2 hours before departure: 50%. Less than 2 hours before departure: 100%. All with a minimum of €250.
  • CL Platinum: Up to 3 days in advance: 10%. From 3 days to 48 hours in advance: 25%. From 48 hours to 2 hours before departure: 50%. Less than 2 hours before departure: 100%. All with a minimum of €250.

12.10 A delay occurs if the start time of the Booking is changed by the Client with less than 3 hours' notice. If the Client's arrival is delayed, the Escort's waiting time will be part of the booking duration. Only if the Client's delay is the result of unforeseen circumstances and Society Service agrees to this, the first 15 minutes of waiting time are not part of the booking duration. If Society Service provides the location for the Booking, all waiting time will be part of the booking duration.

12.11 If the Client wishes to prematurely terminate a Booking that has already started, the Client will be charged the entire Booking Rate. Only if the early termination is the result of illness or calamities in the private sphere of the Client and the Booking does not concern a Guaranteed Booking, the Client will be charged for the time already spent with Escort, rounded up to whole hours and with a minimum of the minimum booking duration of Escort at the relevant booking location. If a Booking that has already started is terminated early, the Client will be charged additional costs for Additional Services relating to early return travel and transport, food, drinks, internet access and accommodation provided to Escort during the waiting time between the early end of the Booking and the previously intended end time of the Booking.

12.12 If the Client owes a cancellation fee or other costs, this will, if available, be offset against a deposit via bank by the Client or credit from the Client. If both are not available, the Client owes the outstanding amount via bank transfer within a period of 14 days..

Article 13. Member access and credit

13.1 If a Booking has been made in the past year, the Client can request a member account on the Website. This request can always be refused by Society Service without stating a reason.

13.2 Login credentials and the member account will be refused and/or immediately terminated if;

  • Client exchanges contact details with Escort in any way, has contact with Escort outside the mediation by Society Service or makes any attempt to do so.
  • Client asks about unsafe (oral) sex during Booking.
  • Escort did not experience the Booking with Client as pleasant.
  • The Client provides login details or content of the member area to third parties and/or reproduces, copies or otherwise multiplies content of the member area.
  • Client has not otherwise complied with these Terms and Conditions.

13.3 If the Client provides his login details or content of the member section to third parties and/or reproduces, copies or otherwise multiplies content of the member section, Article 16 of these General Terms and Conditions applies and the Client will forfeit an immediately payable fine from category B.

13.4 Until April 2023 it was possible to save points with which the Client could reduce the Booking Rate. Saved points have been converted into credits. This part of the credit will lose validity if the number of points was less than 50 in April 2023 or after two years from the moment the points were received. Client can use credit to pay for (part of) a future Booking, with a minimum of €50 credit per booking.

13.5 Client can obtain extra credit by carrying out work for Society Service, as stated on the Website. An active member account is not required for this. This is in no way an invitation and/or confirmation of orders to invade our systems and/or breach security (hacking). We will take legal action against any attempt to do so. In this case, Article 16 of these General Terms and Conditions applies and the Client forfeits an immediately payable fine from category C.

13.6 Client can add extra credit by making a payment to Society Service that is higher than the rate for the next Booking. The additional amount paid will be added to the Client's credit and will be visible as a credit in the member profile within 10 days after the Booking. The most recent change to the credit is also visible here. If the Client does not have a member account, the Client can always request the amount of the credit and the most recent change via e-mail from Society Service, to which a response period of 48 hours applies. The credit has the same validity as set out in Article 5.13 of these General Terms and Conditions.

13.7 The Client can at any time request to delete his personal data and/or terminate the member account, whereby all credit and login options are lost. If a member account is terminated or deactivated by the Client for any other reason, this credit will not be lost unless the validity period has expired.

13.8 Client can request a Sneak Preview. If Sneak Preview is approved, the Client owes a payment of €250. This amount will only be deducted from the Booking Rate of the Client's next Booking if the Sneak Preview is completed within one month after payment and within one week after access results in a new confirmed booking which the Client no longer cancels or changes.

Article 14. Matchmaking

14.1 Society Service offers various matchmaking tools on the Website. The aim of the matchmaking tools is to find the perfect Escort for the Client to make the Booking as successful as possible. The matchmaking therefore serves a business purpose in favor of the services provided by Society Service.

14.2 If the Client and Escort experience the Booking as so enjoyable that they both wish to investigate the possibilities for a purpose other than that described in Article 14.1, the procedure as set out in Article 14.3 applies. With other purposes, for example, but not exclusively, reference is made to a romantic relationship, friendship or business relationship not for the benefit of Society Service.

14.3 The procedure is as follows:

  • Client and Escort communicate this wish separately and immediately to Society Service by email. Society Service will provide feedback within 48 hours as to whether an exploration period can be initiated.
  • Client and Escort spend an exploration period together during Bookings with a total duration of at least 500 hours or at an aggregate Booking Rate of €25.000 or more.
  • If Escort and Client decide to continue contact with each other after the exploration period, Client owes Society Service a mediation fee of €10.000 via bank transfer.

14.4 If the Client does not follow the procedure set out in Article 14.3 and/or maintains contact and/or spends time with Escort without mediation by or permission from Society Service, Article 16 of these Terms and Conditions applies and the Client forfeits an immediately payable fine from category C.

Article 15. Copyright, trademark and other intellectual property protection

15.1 The names Society Service, Interact Service, Ontknaapservice and Virgin Experience, the logos, the images, and all other Society Service-related marks depicted on this Website, whether registered or unregistered, are trademarks or service marks of Society Service.

15.2 Except when otherwise indicated, all materials on this Website, including, but not limited to, photographs, logos, other images, illustrations, text, video clips, audio clips and written and other materials contained on this Website are protected by copyright, trademarks and/or other intellectual property rights owned, or used with permission of their owners, by Society Service or its subsidiaries or affiliates.

15.3 This Website as a whole is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. All rights are reserved.

15.4 The materials contained on this Website are displayed for informational and promotional purposes only. This Website is solely for the private, personal, non-commercial use by its users. You may not download or copy any materials on this Website. No right, title or interest in any material or software is transferred to you as a result of any such downloading or copying. You may not reproduce (except as expressly set forth above), publish, transmit, distribute, display, remove, delete, add to, otherwise modify, create derivative works from, sell or participate in any sale of, this Website, any of the materials on this Website, or any related software. Any other use of materials on this Website, including reproduction for purposes other than those noted above, modification, distribution or republication, without the prior express written permission of Society Service, is strictly prohibited.

15.5 In the event of a violation of this Article by the Client, Article 16 of these Terms and Conditions applies and the Client forfeits an immediately payable fine from category B.

Article 16. Penalty clause

In the event of violation of a number of the provisions as included in these Terms and Conditions, without any notice or notice of default being required, the Client will forfeit in favor of Society Service an immediately due and payable fine for each violation and an immediate payable fine for each day that the violation continues, without prejudice to Society Service's right to claim fulfillment and/or compensation from the Client for the additional damage suffered and yet to be suffered. All legal fees will also be recovered from the Client. This concerns the following fines:

  • Category A: Fine €2.500 per violation and €500 for each day the violation continues. Legal fees are estimated at a minimum of €1.500.
  • Category B: Fine €10.000 per violation and €1.000 for each day the violation continues. Legal fees are estimated at a minimum of €2.500.
  • Category C: Fine €25.000 per violation and €2.500 for each day the violation continues. Legal fees are estimated at a minimum of €10.000.

Article 17. Liability and Force Majeure

17.1 Society Service cannot be held liable for direct or indirect damage caused by the use of this Website or through the by this Website provided information.

17.2 Unless in the case of intent or major neglect, Society Service and its Escorts are not liable for any damage resulting from the execution of Bookings, or related to Bookings, regardless whether the claim is based on another agreement or legal foundation.

17.3 Defects of whatsoever nature, disappointed expectations on the part of the Client, information on the Website or derogations from the information provided on the Website will give no right whatsoever to compensation (of damage) and/or setoff.

17.4 If Society Service cannot, or cannot completely fulfill its obligations as a result of a cause or incident that cannot be attributed to Society Service, or due to any other circumstance that is beyond Society Service’s control, is force majeure and these obligations will be suspended until the time when Society Service is capable again of fulfilling its obligations on the basis of an Assignment or Booking. If Society Service is unable to fulfill its obligations towards Client within a reasonable period, both Society Service and the Client will have the right to cancel the Booking, by telephone or e-mail with read and receipt confirmation, without Society Service being obligated to compensate any damage on the part of the Client as a result of this cancellation. If Society Service has already partially fulfilled its obligations or can only partially fulfill its obligations, Society Service will be entitled to separately charge the Client for the part of the Booking that has already been executed, and the Client will be obligated to pay this amount.

17.5 In the event of a force majeure situation as stated in this article, Society Service will contact the Client as soon as possible in order to achieve an appropriate and realistic solution.

Article 18. Applicable law and choice of forum

Dutch law exclusively applies to all Assignments, Bookings and these Terms and Conditions. All disputes arising in connection with these Terms and Conditions, Assignments and Bookings that may arise, including disputes about the applicability and validity thereof, shall be settled by the competent court in Rotterdam.