We offer you a guarantee at our escort service

We are so confident of our selection of high class escorts and gigolos, we offer a 100% guarantee that the escorts presented on our website are the actual person you will meet. This guarantee includes the escorts inner and outer beauty. Should you find the encounter falling short of your expectations, we invite you to communicate your concerns within the initial 5-10 minutes of your booking. The escort will graciously step away without any cancellation fees. However, this action does result in exclusion from future services.

Moreover, if you've engaged our matchmaking services for tailored recommendations, our guarantee extends to the first 15-20 minutes of your rendezvous. Should you feel a lack of chemistry or connection despite our personalized advice, simply communicate your feelings to the escort. They will promptly reach out to us for assistance. In the event of such circumstances, a cancellation fee, covering travel expenses and a €200 compensation for the escort's efforts, will apply. We will earnestly endeavor to provide an alternative escort for you, although last-minute availability may present challenges.

Conditions for our guarantee

Our guarantee does not apply when:

  • The mentioned duration of your booking has already passed.
  • You try to negotiate the escort’s rate after arrival.
  • The escort has been touched or undressed, or an attempt for that has been made.
  • The escort refuses the booking due to your lack of hygiene, unsuitable location, behavior, attitude or an other breach of our Terms and Conditions.
  • A sudden business/personal appointment has come up on your end.
  • Bookings that require an hour or more (one way) traveltime for the escort and/or your booking is a Guaranteed Booking.

In these situations, the our Cancellation Policy as layed out in our Terms & Conditions applies. 

Matchmaking between escort and client

When making a reservation with our escort service, we'll request several details from you. These details aren't just for verifying your authenticity as a suitable client; they're crucial for ensuring the best possible match between you and your chosen escort. We strive to avoid mismatches – for instance, we wouldn't send a curvaceous, playful blonde if you've requested an athletic, romantic brunette. While we're familiar with all our escorts and gigolos, understanding your preferences helps us tailor the experience to your desires. Without your active participation in this process, finding the most suitable escort becomes challenging. So, please, openly (yet politely) discuss your preferences with us!

Our escorts undergo training to meet our high standards, encompassing various courses. However, we don't train them in personality; instead, we encourage them to be authentic and showcase their best selves. In our experience, this combination of training, passion, talent, and individuality leads to an exceptional experience. Our extensive clientele, who frequently return to us, can attest to the authenticity of our Girlfriend Experience and Boyfriend Experience.

It's important to note that our guarantee, as outlined above, doesn't equate to a guarantee of satisfaction; that's a personal matter between you and your escort. Our high class escorts treat each client as a unique individual, devoid of pre-scripted actions like a rewind toy. Spending time with them requires effort from both parties for a truly satisfying and fulfilling experience. Rest assured, your efforts will be rewarded handsomely!