High class escort Dalia from Amersfoort

High class escort Dalia from Amersfoort

High class Dalia is a real animal lover

High class escorts come in all shapes and sizes, but escort Dalia is extra unique. So unique, in fact, that it is almost impossible to capture it in photos. Everyone who meets her agrees on a few things, including that the photos don't do Dalia justice. Being a model is not one of her many talents, but high empathy, intelligence, warmth, integrity, maturity, sense of humor and an ultimate GFE are. What also makes Dalia special is her love for animals, which is reflected in her vegan diet, for example. Those are of course very nice things to emphasize and a wonderful opportunity arose during the photo shoot. Dalia is happy to tell you more about it.

High class escort Dalia from Amersfoort about her recent photoshoot

"Summer has finally arrived! Coincidentally, on the same day as the photoshoot that was recently planned, to update the pictures in our profiles. The temperature was high, the sun bright and we were all excited. Picture this, and let your mind run wild: around twenty (half-)naked women walking around a lusciously green garden, laughing at the camera. There was one guy who was lucky enough to enjoy this scenery with his own eyes. His name is Ody, and he's a very kind, elderly gentleman. He also happens to have four paws, a happily wagging tail and a loyal look in his eyes. Personally, I think this dog's tail wasn't happily dancing around because of all the attention he got from the ladies. No, his eyes were clearly pointed at the bites on the table. One cheeky fellow!

As a big time animal lover, I was thrilled to see that Ody would be our companion for the day. While I put on my next set of lingerie for the shoot, my eyes darted to him. Would he come towards me...? Marike, knowing how fond I am of animals, came up with an idea that had me jumping up and down. She suggested that we could take some photos of me and Ody together. I couldn't have been any happier! And so we sought out a nice spot in the garden. Meanwhile, Ody did not make a secret of his interest in the sandwich of the photographer. Luckily, he was also interested in a cuddle and we had lovely a play on the field, while the photographer was snapping away. Sometimes they had to remind me I was still busy shooting, as I was so absorbed by our play! All-in all, especially this part of the shoot really made the day for me. 

There are many reasons why I'm so taken by animals. One of them, is that animals are so full of positivity, joy and energy. I love taking life by its horns, to live it fully and energetically. Animals don't even think about that, they just do it. And now that the weather is finally taking up, I see more and more animals outside. Foals, jumping around. Ducklings, fanatically swimming after their mother. Dogs, playing in the grass. Their lust for life is visibly spreading positivity around and that's another reason why animals are a vital part of my life. Besides, it's not all feelings, it's also simply science: petting an animal will give you a shot of oxytocin. And oxytocin, one of our happy hormones, is always welcome! Being around other people and enjoying each others company, also boosts your oxytocin. So perhaps, we'll meet sometime to go to the petting zoo, for a horse-ride or a walk with the dog? Let's double up those happy hormones. See you soon, love from Dalia."


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