Escort Dalia is back in the Netherlands!

Escort Dalia is back in the Netherlands!

High class escort Dalia is back in the Netherlands and lives in Groningen

We had to miss her for almost a year, but she is finally back: Escort Dalia is back in the Netherlands. For the time being, she is based in the north of the Netherlands, in Groningen. That makes her the ideal choice for a booking in the provinces of Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe. But Dalia will also be happy to visit you in the rest of the Netherlands, such as Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht.

Working as a high class escort is something our escorts always do in addition to a full-time study or job. It gives extra color to their existence, it is an exciting adventure and not routine work. It is logical that our escorts also look for adventure in a different way and that often happens in the form of travel and studies abroad. Dalia is only too happy to tell you personally about her recent adventures, but this blog will probably give you a sneak peek of the shutter.

High class escort Dalia from Groningen tells

"I moved to England last September for a master's degree. It goes without saying that I met a lot of new people as a result, including a fantastic group of people who are my classmates. This group really likes to have discussions, so the conversation turned to the topic of sex work quite early in the year.

A classmate insisted that sex work is bad and only about human trafficking. Sex work, no one can do that voluntarily?! Gosh, I thought, if she only knew. It still crossed my mind that I hadn't known these people that long. Maybe I should just wait and see if I can trust them with this sensitive information? However, it was only a small group of my class and besides, I wouldn't be myself if I were to withdraw from a heated discussion. As soon as it fell silent for a while, I said, in a calm tone: “Well, that's possible, because I'm an escort.” The expression on their faces was gold. Imagine 3 people staring at me open-mouthed in disbelief, swallowing, trying to smooth their faces, and say, "Really?!" Yes really. After washing away their amazement with a sip of beer, a good conversation started and my dear classmates were again a few prejudices lighter!

A few months later I realized that the rest of my class is also very open-minded. What makes this group so nice is that it is a very diverse group: 24 people from 15 different countries and 5 continents. So when the subject of sex work was brought up again during a party with exactly the same prejudices, I also briefly informed the rest of my class about my side job. And my oh my, the facial expressions of people hearing it for the first time is still gold. I spent the next hour on all the questions they fired at me, because actually everyone was just really curious.

The nice thing is that everyone became more and more open towards each other during the year and after this incident we could also talk about sex and relationships much more easily. There is an awful lot of taboo on everything that has to do with sex and sex work and there is no need for that. If this group, so diverse in cultures and personalities, can talk about it and accept it, then hope is not over yet! I am quite open about my work in my personal environment and I notice that many prejudices often come from misunderstanding or ignorance. Little by little I try to change that by simply sharing information about something I really like. Because that's what it is, just really nice work! In addition to a diploma, I will also take something else with me after this year, namely the prejudices of my classmates. They will certainly not soon forget their Dutch classmate…"


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