Our wanderlust high end escorts

Our wanderlust high end escorts

Our high end escorts travel all over the world

One of the advantages of working as a high-end escort is the beautiful destinations you visit as a high-end escort. European city trips are the most common, but tropical and exotic destinations are no exception. With a wink, the escorts are only too happy to send us enviable photos of these beautiful destinations.

But our high-end escorts also like to travel in addition to bookings. An adventurous attitude is inherent to working as a high-end escort and what could be more adventurous than exploring a beautiful foreign destination? When another lockdown was announced in mid-December and the weather in the Netherlands was unbearable, a number of escorts decided to pack their suitcase. They talk about it in this blog.

High end escort Amber went to South America

"Despite all the "corona madness", I was able to make a wonderful trip. My destination was South America. Here I was able to taste the atmosphere, culture and of course the food in various countries! I myself am very interested in history and that is full of it in these countries. I have been able to visit wonders of the world, see mysteries and learn a lot about the endlessly interesting history of these countries. In addition, there is of course an impressive nature and I've seen it all. The jungle, the desert, the coast, the mountains and a lot in between. In short, you don't get bored. No matter how special the trip is, after a while it's nice to have your friends and family around you again. more luxury, because that is not necessarily self-evident in these countries. By seeing how a large part of the population lives here, you appreciate your own privileged life in the Netherlands all the more. Just a little while and then it will be time for avo tures in the Netherlands. But those can also become very exciting at Society Service…"

High end escort Jane explored the Caribbean

"I was so terribly done with it. The drizzly weather but also the umpteenth lockdown we ended up in again. Quite spontaneously I decided to pack my bags and jumped on the plane to Curacao. As part of the Dutch kingdom, this is a destination that is easy to reach. A few friends have been living there for years, a good time to finally accept that invitation to come over. I thoroughly enjoyed the sun, white beaches, palm trees and the Caribbean culture. I explored several other beautiful Caribbean islands. As beautiful as these were, after the holidays I missed my family and friends so much that I went back to the Netherlands. Fortunately, the lockdown was ended shortly after."

High end escort Dalia temporarily lives in the United Kingdom

"Ah, the land of tea, scones, rain and pubs. Did you guess? Indeed, I'm talking about England. For the coming year, this is where I live, to get my master's degree. One of the (many) nice things about working as an escort at Society Service is that the work can take place anywhere in the world. Fortunately, because I always start to miss this work quickly! Also, with a flight of an hour I am back on Dutch soil. This is useful for work, but also to be able to see my family and friends on a regular basis. On the other hand, I also really enjoy it here at the university. My cohort alone has 15 different nationalities, and that while we are only a small group! Even though the travel is still difficult because of the pandemic, I just 'travel' to 15 countries at a time when I get together with my classmates. One thing is for sure, all those different backgrounds make the learning experience even more valuable.

In the meantime, I also enjoy that in England, unlike in the Netherlands, all bars, clubs and shops are open as usual. Afternoon tea, anyone? To my surprise, there is also a lot of offer for vegan food. There are so many tasty things here, you simply have to try them! It is noticeable that the Indian influence is great. For example, many restaurateurs of Indian origin have given a creative twist to Indian street food, which is very popular among the British. After such a delicious dinner, we often effortlessly move on to one of the many open-mic nights, gigs or clubs. Diversity is the norm here and we never get bored. Have you become curious by now? Let's go for a drink! X"

High end escort Noah is traveling through America

"After a busy period of graduation and various jobs, the time has finally arrived that I have worked towards for a long time: complete freedom! It is a wonderful feeling to travel (especially in the winter and covid period) through different warm countries. I have a very diverse journey: from touring around on quad bikes, resting at wonderful resorts, staying overnight in simple locations and meeting other travelers, being able to party again, to completely grounded with nature or doing very touristy and active things, such as diving on the most beautiful locations. I miss my family and friends very much and maintain contact a lot via video calls. But I do try to enjoy this beautiful period in my life as much as possible."

High end escort Carmen travels through Central America

“Getting out of the grind of life to go on a journey of discovery and grow again is why I live. It gives me a lot of energy to visit new continents, step out of your comfort zone and meet people from different backgrounds again - especially after this monotonous time. This time my best friend and I went to explore Central America for a few months. And what a good choice we have made with a journey in which very nice, valuable and refreshing experiences have once again passed by. It all started well when we were able to celebrate Christmas at a local family's home, where me and my girlfriend could camp in the garden. Even though Christmas isn't quite my thing, on this Christian side of the world you really can't ignore it. On every corner of the street you can hear Christmas carols booming from the speakers, grand Christmas parades pass by, parties are held late into the night and here and there some fireworks are flying in the sky. The children are kept busy smashing piñatas full of candy, while we could enjoy a concert by the father of the house on his guitar while enjoying a homemade dessert and wine. I can certainly get used to this merry and warm Christmas! We were also spoiled at New Years. One of our best friends, met while traveling through South America two years ago, stood in front of us as a surprise at 0:00. The popping of all the fireworks was nothing to the screams of us, what a lovely surprise! And when you think the year couldn't start any better, we were invited to party with the locals on a boat that sailed through the middle of the jungle. This was certainly our most special New Year's Eve experience to date. After all these adventures with the locals, it was time for some more cleanliness and tranquility in nature and luckily you will find more than enough in Central America. For example, volcanoes were climbed that erupted in the distance with huge explosions. We had cold nights around freezing point by sleeping in a tent in the middle of a mountain. We took a lovely bath in a river with crystal clear water in the middle of the jungle. Or did we live for a week in a tree house on a beautiful lake surrounded by enormous mountains and volcanoes. We could only be thankful for these wonderful and intense experiences.

In addition, there is also a lot of time for reflection and thinking, which ensures that you appreciate life in the Netherlands more in different ways. On the one hand, I find a life without makeup and only a backpack with essentials very relaxing. Every day you wake up calmly with a healthy breakfast, some yoga and see what the day will bring you. Moreover, the tranquillo culture is very contagious, making everything go smoothly. Yet on the other hand I can also miss my friends, family and the life I built in Amsterdam. Certainly the Dutch sobriety and directness is lacking here on all sides. In addition, I do not experience exciting escort adventures here, which involve a lot of adrenaline, energy and excitement - something that triggers me enormously in life. The excitement and thrill that rages through your body before, during and after a date is a feeling that has not yet been matched here on a trip. However, it is also a great idea that very interesting, exciting and fiery experiences can be waiting for you when you return to the Netherlands. For now I will continue to enjoy my trip, but as soon as Dutch spring has arrived, I gladly return!"


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