RTL Weekend Magazine 2016

Weekend Magazine by RTL News about working as high class escort

On November 21st, online magazine Weekend Magazine by RTL News published an article working as a high class escort at our luxurious Dutch escortservice. The original article can be found here but you can also read a translation of the article below.

I have dinner with the most interesting businessmen. But at the end it's about the sex.

Every month between 500 and 1000 young ladies apply with the escortservice of Marike van der Velden. Half of them do so because they really need the money. But those are not hired. Of the hundreds of applications, eventually only one or two pass the strict recruitment selection. Emma (22) was hired last year, she wanted to become an escort because it sounded exciting. "You get to experience things you wouldn't otherwise get to do."

Emma (not her real name and not one of the women in the photo's) is currently studying at the University of Amsterdam. Until a year ago she mostly had jobs in hospitality but then read an article on women working as an escort. "That made me curious", she said. "I started looking for more information and read a book written by Marike about escorts, the Escort Bible. The book was very realistic; it mentioned the work is sometimes great fun, but sometimes not. It doesn't present the work as a fairy tail. But it didn't scare me off and I stayed curious, so after careful consideration I applied as an escort."

Women who apply at the escortservice of Marike, Society Service, have to meet several requirements. "First of all they have to be beautiful", said Marike. "But in addition to that they must be fluent in several languages, be intelligent, have not too many tattoos, be non-smoking and not use any drugs. Of the hundreds of women who apply each month, we refuse many. When women pass the initial selection through the internet, we ask them to complete a second application form. In this we ask her more about her, what kind of study or job is she doing, for how long has she wanted to do this job and why. If these answers match our company, we ask her to call us at a certain time. If that doesn't work, she is most likely unable to stick to appointments and we are no longer interested."

If the first conversation over the phone is positive, we meet in person. "And if that all goes well there is a second interview. We also ask the ladies to rethink their choice. We mostly try to establish if the ladies really like this kind of work and not want to do it to solve money issues." Escorts make a lot money, Marike informs us. The clients are often businessmen, but also men who have to save up for years for an appointment, and surprisingly many couples who are looking for a threesome. They pay at least 700 euro's for a two hour booking. On average, euro 1150 is spend per booking. "The earnings for the escorts vary and depend on her tax situation. With a few bookings per week she can generate an above average income."

Emma didn't want to do this job for the money, and that's probably one of the reasons she was hired at the escort agency. After some preparations she was ready to go to her first booking. "I remember it very well", said Emma. "The first time was the most exciting time. Especially the moment the door of the hotelroom opened. The man was slightly older than the men I meet in day to day life, but he was very kind and friendly. We shared great conversations before things got more intimate. The conversations I hold with clients are the most fun. By doing this work I get to meet people I otherwise would never get to meet. The conversations ar much deeper, you get to know a person in a whole different way. We talk about what keeps him busy in day to day life, his view on things, the beautiful places he has discovered in the world. Sometimes we discover them together. Some clients invite me to join them on a trip or tropical holiday. Many journalists would envy me. I mostly have dinner with prominent businessmen with who I get to chat very informal. The conversations can be compared to those I have with my best friends. But eventually it's of course about the sex."

Emma compares sex with her clients with elaborate lovemaking with a boyfriend or lover. "Kissing, long foreplay, massage, taking a both, making love, and sometimes a striptease or something similar. I don't do any thing with my clients I wouldn't do outside my work. A definite no-go is obviously unsafe sex. And I have never had very extreme requests, most men enjoy candles and massage oil in stead of nipple clamps and whips." The sex has never been difficult for Emma. Sometimes her bookings are less fun though. For example when she doesn't feel a connection with her client and it's difficult to keep the conversation going. "But I've always been rather easy about sex. I think it's completely normal and can only enjoy it, that has not changed due to this line of work."

Having said that, for some women it's more difficult to do this line of work than it is for others, according to sexologist Peter Leusink. "There are women who solely choose this profession for financial reasons, or because they are in a bad relationship or have a negative sense of self worth and are just looking for a rush. Those women will not enjoy this work, it will not solve their problems, it only puts them in a state of daze. Some people think that women who have been abused, are more likely to work as a sex worker. There has been lots of research, but is not true. It is however true that they are more often abused because they are a sex worker, but women who do this line of work free of choice because they genuinely enjoy it and really want it, there's nothing wrong with that."

Even though, women who want to work as an escort, need to be careful if the job is really suitable for them, according to Leusink. If they are having trouble saying no, or easily cross boundaries, it's not smart to work as an escort. "Then, it will damage you." Despite that, there are women who have carefully considered their choices but find out after a year or so they are not suitable for this job. "But that's the same for every profession. Some people better not become a teacher in economics. It mind sound silly, but I really mean it. We need to normalize this job a little bit more, take away the stigma, and then there will eventually be less problems. Without the taboo it would be much easier for prostitutes and sex workers to speak openly about the problems they experience at their work. These problems can be major, such as rape, STD's or even unwanted pregnancies. They need to be able to talk about it."

Emma doesn't mind people not understanding her work. "That's not so strange, I think. It is however the reason I don't openly speak of my work and many people don't know I do this kind of work." Emma's parents don't know she is working as an escort and most of her friends neither. "I have told my parents because I do not want to discuss my sex life with them. Two close friends know, they responded very positive and are curious about my work." She's not scared about other friends finding out. Most of her bookings are in hotels. "Or luxury restaurants, not the kind of places I visit with friends so I am not scared of bumping into them while I am at a booking." But would she tell everybody if her job would be normal? "I don't know. Perhaps I would not. Part of the excitement is the fact that nobody knows. It's a whole different world I surround myself with. If it would be very normal, part of the excitement would be lost."