Mokum Magazine 2017/3

Mokum Magazine Amsterdam column High Class Escort

Mokum Magazine is the largest and free entertainment magazine of Amsterdam. With a circulation of 20.000 it's available on more than 1000 locations throughout all districts of Amsterdam and all cinema's. From 2016, owner Marike has been writing a (three) monthly column in Mokum Magazine: Escort Stories. The original article was published in Dutch but an English translation can be found below.

September 2017: High class gigolos

Marike van der Velden is owner of Society Service, the largest high class escortbureau of The Netherlands and author of book Escort Bijbel. Exclusively for Mokum Magazine she offers a revealing glimpse into the premier league of seduction.

Ever since founding Society Service, over 12 years ago now, we have been working with some male escorts. So-called gigolos. At times, these tasty gentlemen where listed on our website with a profile, but not for the past few years. It is not a large part of Society Service, but more something we've always offered, just in case a repeat client would ask for this particular service.

Among our clients are couples who book a female escort at Society Service for an exiting threesome. But when a booking with one of our lovely female escorts was a positive experience, it might just as well be possible these couples wonder what an experience would be like with an other male escort. Needless to say, we prefer not to say 'no' to our repeat clients and have therefore always had a few male escorts in our rolodex.

Every year I have a special project. Two years ago it was writing my book 'Escort Bijbel', last year we changed our entire IT and 2017 is the year of the gigolo. Without it ever being listed on our website, gentlemen would send us their applications to become a gigolo. We have asked them to apply again and have selected our first five gigolos from this procedure. They will receive a prominent position on our website later this year. The applications of the male escorts were pretty similar to those of our female escorts. They too where nervous but well prepared, charming conversationalists, handsome and smart. Okay, not every applicant met our criteria, but that's no different when it comes to our female escorts. However satisfied I may be with the current selection of gentlemen stepping into this new adventure, there is always room for more.

So, to all the gentlemen reading this: do you fancy a career as a gigolo? Then we look forward to receiving your application.