Smoking a cigar during your escort booking

Smoking a cigar during your escort booking

Is it sexy to smoke cigars in the presence of high class escorts?

Imagine: with a scantily clad high class escort from Society Service you are in a luxury hotel suite with a beautiful view of the city. Miles Davis in the background. Fine glass of whiskey in your hand. Suppose you could add another detail to this ideal picture, wouldn't that be the presence of a fine cigar? And we're not talking about those thin cigars people smoke every day. There is no high class escort who like those. After smoking these ones, people only start to smell bad. No, we are talking about quality cigars that you light up every once in a while, on special occasions. When you tell yourself: this is the moment that I've really got it all.

Why do men smoke cigars?

Cigar smokers are often true connaisseurs. For many, it is the ultimate form of relaxation. Sitting comfortably in your couch, with your favorite music in the background. Smoking a cigar provides peace of mind and offers you the chance to let your thoughts run free. Cigar lovers often have a strong preference and a firm favorite. Just like Society Service's high class escorts, cigars come in many different shapes, sizes and flavors.

Is it sexy when a man smokes a cigar?

Okay, not every high class escort from Society Service will like it if you light a cigar in front of her. In our previous blog you can read about our smoking policy. With which ladies you can and cannot smoke a cigar or cigarette. Yet there are indeed escorts who think it is sexy if you light one. A cigar evokes images of great men such as: Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy and Jack Nicholson. It gives men prestige and that is precisely what makes some women extremely excited.

Is it sexy when an escort smokes a cigar?

Is it sexy when a high class escort from Society Service smokes a cigar? It depends. It can be very sexy if you ask her to light your cigar with a match. Especially if she does that while she is dressed in sensual lingerie. In most cases, this is where it ends because smoking a cigar requires the necessary experience. The high class escort from Society Service have experience in completely different areas. Which? If all goes well, you will soon find out.