Exclusive member access

A Member Account is not required for placing a booking. It is merely a complimentary service we offer to our repeat clientele. Worried about being disappointed when placing a booking without having seen the face of the escort? That’s why we offer you Our Guarantee. A Member Account is the only way to view pictures with face of our escorts and gigolos. We can not send you pictures via e-mail or any other way for that matter.

Why is that, you may ask? Confidentiality is the primary concern of most of the escorts and clients we work with. Our escorts all have their own careers, families and social connections and do not want to exposed to any type of unfitting judgement about their work as a high class escort. That alone, is reason enough not to display the faces of our escorts on our website, even though their beautiful faces would most likely compel you to make your booking straight away. From a practical point of view, a person publicly known as being an escort may compromise your confidentiality requirements. Last but not least; our escorts travel internationally and facial image scan checks have been reported in place to match faces with known escort websites. Need we say more?

Now what can we do for you? We currently offer three types of access to our member area, all of which have their very own benefits and requirements; Sneak Preview, Regular Member Account and Premium Member Account. A Member Account is completely free, a Sneak Preview is not as explained below.